File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is one of the most commonly used methods of sending website files between a computer system and a web server. Using an FTP client program like FileZilla, you can connect to your website hosting account and drag & drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software itself will do all the rest. There are several pros of employing File Transfer Protocol, among them the option to restart an upload/download in case there’s some problem with the FTP connection and the possibility to create different FTP accounts. With the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can access only specific folders in your hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or any other info, which makes it the ideal solution especially when you need to grant a web designer access, for instance. You can also use an FTP account with popular web design apps like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the website content that you have created straight from them, without the need to make use of third-party software.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Website Hosting

Creating and administering numerous FTP accounts will be very easy with any of our Linux cloud website hosting. This service is not restricted, so with our intuitive Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you will be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you have to, in order to manage your sites and to get your web-related tasks done. In case you hire a developer and they are done with the site, for example, you can update the FTP password or delete the entire FTP account with only one single click through the Control Panel. For convenience’s sake, you will be able to check a list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve set up and the directories that they can access. Handy options such as updating the password or the access path and downloading an auto-configuration file for widely used FTP applications are also just one mouse click away.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you host your Internet sites under a semi-dedicated server account, you will be able to create a separate FTP account for each of them, since we haven’t put a limit on this service with any of our semi-dedicated server packages. You can do this via the FTP section of our user-friendly Hepsia Control Panel where you can also view the complete list of all the accounts that you’ve set up, together with the folder that each one of them can connect to. If necessary, you’ll be able to modify the password for a specific FTP account or to edit its access path with a few clicks. You can also delete an account without efforts in case you do not require it anymore – for instance, if you have hired a developer who’s finished with the Internet site and you don’t want them to access your files any longer. For convenience’s sake, we’ve made different tutorial video clips, that will help you manage your FTP accounts with no effort if you have never used a hosting package previously.

FTP Accounts in VPS Web Hosting

In case you open a Linux virtual private servers with us and pick any of the 3 Control Panels that we offer – DirectAdmin, cPanel or Hepsia, an FTP server will be installed on your virtual machine, since it’s an essential part of the default software pack that comes with all Virtual Private Servers ordered with a hosting Control Panel. This will enable you to set up as many FTP accounts as you wish and to indicate which folder each one of them can connect to. If you wish, you can even set up different FTP accounts for the same domain and give different individuals their very own set of sign-in credentials to access the content. Any of the 3 hosting Control Panels will offer you the opportunity to set up, to edit or to remove an FTP account in a few easy steps and with less than several mouse clicks, so even in case you do not possess prior experience, you will be able to manage an account without hassle.