Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection
Maintain your domain name protected. Keep your personal data protected.’s Whois Privacy Protection service is just for you.

Whois Privacy Protection with
As a rule, your WHOIS information needs to be available to the public and fully exact. Which means that you’ll need to submit your personal or organization information online and allow it to be accessible for absolutely everyone to look at. With the Domain WHOIS Privacy Protection solution supplied by, you have the option to cover your data by making use of our information instead.
A great benefit is the fact that all domain–related e–mails (transfer requests, EPP codes, and so on) will nonetheless pass, while any unwanted messages are going to be filtered out.
Whois Privacy Protection–eligible TLDs
Taking into consideration that a few registrars have already established Whois Privacy Protection limitations on their TLDs, all of us are unable to provide the Whois Privacy Protection service for all of the domain names we currently have. Nonetheless, the count of domain names that feature Whois Privacy Protection is constantly expanding and it presently contains the most popular domains extensions.
Take a look at our comprehensive TLD features page to see which from the offered domain extensions support Whois Privacy Protection.
SSL Certificates
Purchase an SSL certificate with just a click of the mouse
In case you manage an online store that has an order form or a community website with a member’s login area, you’ll have to enable an SSL certificate to protect these areas and also to assure your customers that their information is safe. To accomplish that, you just need to obtain an SSL certificate for a specific host through the Domain Manager section of your Control Panel.
Simply push the Order SSL Certificate button, select the type of SSL certificate that you prefer – generic or wildcard, and enter the required details. After that click on the Order button and we will give you your certificate’s details.
Video Tutorials
Included educational videos
If you want to discover what you can achieve with our web hosting Control Panel, explore’s video tutorials. We have assembled a terrific selection of illustrative videos that cover every single section of’s web hosting Control Panel.
In case you cannot find an explanatory video clip that can help you, we’ve also got step–by–step instructions and a detailed F.A.Q. library, both of which contain answers to the questions that our tech support team is asked the most. If you prefer real–time aid, you can always contact our help desk support team reps – they’ll be right here for you 24 hours a day.
GeoIP Redirection Tool
Efficiently configure location–dependent redirects
In our Domain Manager you can find an easy–to–work–with tool, which permits you to filter your web site traffic depending on the visitors’ physical location. With’s GeoIP location tool, you will be able to quickly configure location–based redirects and send your visitors to various sections of your website. For instance, you will be able to direct the US traffic to your index page, and the visitors from Spain to a sub–domain – es.your–, for example.
With this user–friendly tool, you no longer have to enter dozens of lines of code in your .htaccess file. Everything’s handled by the tool itself.
Easy WHOIS Control
WHOIS management designed straightforward
Your domain’s WHOIS info contains your official contact details and it has to be kept relevant at all times. If your e–mail address changes, or if you want to transfer the ownership of your domain to someone else, you will need to change your WHOIS info right away.
With the point–and–click Domain Manager interface, you’ll be able to quickly modify the WHOIS information for one or multiple domain names at once! All the modifications that you’ve made will be reflected live straight away! Please bear in mind that not all Top–Level Domain extensions support this option, so first see on our site if this feature is offered for the domain that you want to update.
24/7 Support Service
A tech support team is constantly here to help
Our highly professional tech support engineers will be here for you 24/7 to help you with any difficulty that you might have managing your domain names. In the event that the domain that you want to register is already registered or if you wonder how to activate Whois Privacy Protection, just send us an email message or send a helpdesk ticket and we will respond to you in less than 60 minutes.
To get an instantaneous answer, you can give us a ring or use the live chat option on weekdays.
Domain Parking
Domain name parking done very easy
You’ll be able to park an active domain name by pointing it to one of’s two domain name parking templates – For Sale or Under Construction. The domain name parking process is rather simple and will go into effect instantly. You will be able to park as many domain names as you want. And in case you need to un–park the domain – you can perform this task with one single mouse click.
Also, you can tweak our two domain name parking themes using custom images and text so as to make them more unique.
Domain Redirection
Point your web sites to just about every other host on the net
With our domain redirection tool, you can point a domain or a sub–domain in your account to any site at all. Our tool features an easy–to–work–with interface, which will enable you to redirect the (sub)domain names of your choosing with merely a few clicks of the mouse. Hence, you will not have to deal with elaborate .htaccess file modifications.
To forward a domain, just select the destination path it will follow and our clever system will accomplish the rest on your behalf and will immediately point the domain name to the preferred location.
Multiple Domain Administration
Take care of different domains at the same time
Via our Domain Manager, you’ll be able to easily manage tons of domain names from a single location. You’ll acquire access to an enormous array of DNS controls and will be able to make changes to a lot of domains at once.
Also, if you happen to also have a cloud hosting account with, you will be able to control both your domains and your websites from just one single place.
Compare Our Prices
- Searching for a brand new domain name? With, one can find over fifty different domain name extensions at competitive prices.
- Compare our TLD prices
TLD Details
- Find out about the TLDs offers. Find what’s the minimal registration period or whether you can obtain Whois Privacy Protection for the domain name.
- View TLD Details
Service Guarantees
- Domain name hosting along with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime and 99.9% DNS uptime from
Contact Us
- Phone us on working days to have immediate answers to all of your current questions concerning Whois Privacy Protection. It’s also possible to make use of the live chat or post a help ticket by your Control Panel any time you have to.